Motherwort Extract Powder 10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC

Motherwort Extract Powder 10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC

Motherwort extract is the aboveground part of Leonurus japonicus, which has the functions of activating blood circulation and regulating menstruation, removing blood stasis and generating new energy, diuresis and swelling, clearing away heat and detoxification.

Motherwort Extract Powder 10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC
【Latin Name】:
Leonurus japonicus Houtt
【Part Used】:
Leonurine/ Stachydrine Hydrochloride
【Spec. 】:
10:1, 20:1, 50:1
【Test Method】:
Brown Fine Powder
【Main Function】:
Relieve women`s menstruation syndrome
【Storage】: Store in cool dry place and keep from direct light
【Shelf life】:
2 years when properly stored
Fiber drum (25kg/drum); aluminum foil bag and carton box(less than 10kg)

Motherwort Extract
Motherwort extract: Chinese motherwort, known as yi-mu-cao, and the common European motherwort serve as excellent examples of plants used for parallel purposes by divergent cultures, whose uses are confirmed by modern research. This fascinating but still little-appreciated member of the mint family deserves greater attention in the West. In TCM motherwort was used to promote longevity and strengthen the heart, just as western herbal medicine considers motherwort to be one of the best heart tonics. Motherwort is used to promote blood circulation, lower cholesterol, slow a too rapid heart rate, and relieve stress on the heart muscle. (Duke,James, Ph.D.) It also is diuretic, and reduces swelling, helping to lower blood pressure. These medicinal actions are confirmed by science to be linked to the bitter glycosides as well as other phytochemicals that motherwort contains. (Foster, Steven and Yue “Herbal Emissaries”) Motherwort ia approved for use in nervous cardiac disorders and as adjuvant for thyroid hyperfunction by the German Commision E. Commission E Monographs

Motherwort is also one of the best tonic herbs for women. Motherwort is especially valuable in a wide range of female disorders (hence the name), allaying nervous irritability and inducing quiet and passivity of the whole nervous system. I find motherwort a good remedy for those times when you feel a generalized anxiety without any clear cut cause. The herb regulates the menses, and is a strong emmenagogue, helping to stimulate delayed periods and is an excellent remedy for menstrual cramps especially those accompanied by scanty menses. The combination of motherwort with scullcap and/or valerian can help to relieve pain and stress associated with childbirth.

Benefits of motherwort
Treating a Rapid Heartbeat

Motherwort has been used for centuries to regulate a rapid heartbeat. Ancient Greeks and Romans used it to treat heart palpitations, and that practice continued centuries later in
Europe. In fact, Germany’s Commission E – similar to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, although it focuses specifically on herbs – authorized the use of motherwort to treat rapid or irregular heartbeat caused by anxiety or stress. Hyperthyroidism also can cause an irregular heartbeat, and Germany’s Commission E says motherwort can be used in the treatment plan for that ailment. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests drinking a mixture of 2 grams motherwort steeped in boiling water – strained and cooled – three times a day to regulate rapid heartbeat.

Regulating the Menstrual Cycle
Motherwort may have some positive effects on the uterus. According to NYULangoneMedicalCenter, limited studies have shown that it may be effective in helping to regulate the menstrual cycle and relax the uterus after giving birth. Women in some parts of China
drink a motherwort-based syrup to speed recovery of the uterus after childbirth. More research is needed in this area.

Treatment for premenstrual stress
Drinking this herbal tea has shown to help stimulate menstruation in women with irregular menstrual cycles. It also has shown to help relieve the symptoms of mood swings, abdominal bloating, abdominal cramps, sleep disturbances and breast tenderness often associated with premenstrual stress symptoms.

Treatment for pre menopausal and menopausal symptoms
Many pre menopausal and menopausal women consume this tea for effective relief of mood swings, hot flashes, sleeplessness, headaches and stress. It has shown to help relax the central nervous system and also contributes to helping to balance hormones.

Increasing Milk Supply
Motherwort is one of several herbs promoted to increase milk supply in new mothers, according to the Ask Dr. Sears website. The claims are anecdotal, Ask Dr. Sears points out, and no controlled scientific studies have been conducted to back up those claims. Ask Dr. Sears says that doesn’t mean the herb doesn’t work to increase milk supply; the claims just haven’t been studied.

Treatment for anxiety, depression and insomnia
Due to its calming properties, this tea can help relieve tension in the body and has a sedating effect on both the mind and body. If taken one hour before retiring to bed, it can help to induce sleep. It is not recommended to consume if you are already prescribed medications for sedation unless under the guidance of your doctor.

Treatment for stomach upset
The herbal tea can be taken to relieve the symptoms associated with stomach upset. It is a natural antispasmodic which can help relieve abdominal cramps and abdominal pain. This action can also help prevent nausea and vomiting that can occur with stomach upset.

Indications in TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine)
1.Various syndromes caused by blood stasis such as amenorrhea due to stasis, dysmenorrhea, and postpartum abdominal stagnant pain

This herb enters blood system and can move stagnant blood, dispel blood stasis, generate new blood and regulate menstruation. It dispels stasis and promotes generation without retaining stasis serving as a key herb used before and after pregnancy and delivery in gynecology. It is mainly indicated for various gestational and labor diseases caused by heat accumulation and blood stasis so it is named “mother-benefiting”. When it is indicated for syndrome of blood stasis such as traumatic injuries, swelling and pain due to stasis and stagnation and chest oppression and pain, the actions of its activating blood and resolving stasis as well as swelling-resolving and pain-alleviating are shown. For amenorrhea due to stasis, dysmenorrhea, unsmooth menstruating, irregular menstruation, postpartum abdominal stagnant pain and lochiorrhea, it is used singly by its actions of activating blood, resolving stasis and regulating menstruation, for instance, Yi Mu Cao Gao from the Pharmacopeia of China (1985 edition). It is also combined with blood-activating and menstruation-regulating herbs such as Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Dan Shen and Ze Lan, etc.

2. Edema, dysuria
This herb dredges water passage and relieves edema as well as activates blood and resolves stasis. It is mostly suitable for edema resulted from water and stasis accumulation together. It is used singly or with diuretics such as Bai Mao Gen, Ze Lan and Che Qian Zi, etc.

3. Sore and abscess
This herb has the actions of clearing heat and relieving toxicity and cooling blood and resolving swelling. For sore and abscess, it is usually combined with heat-clearing and toxicity-relieving herbs such as Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao and Pu Gong Ying.

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