Bee Pollen Powder

Lotus Bee Pollen Powder, Cell wall cracked ratio>98%, protein>15%, 120 mesh

The effects of lotus bee pollen powder are mainly as follows: it can clear heat and cool blood, clear heat and detoxify, remove rheumatism, replenish qi and promote blood circulation, have a good effect on constipation patients, remove wrinkles, and regulate human endocrine. It is helpful to alleviate the symptoms of insomnia and eliminate pigmentation. It can cure the symptoms of spleen and stomach weakness, promote metabolism, and make the skin smooth and elastic. Relieve gastrointestinal discomfort, eliminate freckles and acne symptoms.

Brassica Bee Pollen Powder

【Botanical Source】: Brassica campestris L.
【Particle Size】: 200 mesh
【Appearance】: Light yellow fine powder
【Specification】: Cell-broken ratio>98%; Protein>18%
  【Main function】: Treatment of prostatitis
Brief Introduction

Tea Bee Pollen Powder

【Botanical Source】: Camellia sinensis  【Particle Size】: 200 mesh 【Appearance】: Light yellow fine powder 【Specification】: Cell-broken ratio>98%; Protein>15%