TCM Adaptogen Herbs

Amomum villosum Extract Powder(Sha Ren) 10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC

Amomum villosum has the effects of dispelling dampness and promoting qi circulation, warming the body to stop diarrhea, and promoting fetal growth. Indications: Spleen and stomach qi stagnation, dampness obstructing the middle jiao, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, vomiting and diarrhea, fetal restlessness, pregnancy obstruction, etc.

Anemarrhenae Extract Powder(Zhi Mu) 10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC

Anemarrhenae Extract has anti-inflammatory effects and can be used in clearing heat and detoxifying medicines, clearing heat and purging fire medicines. Zhimu can also be used in clearing heat, resolving phlegm, and relieving cough medicines.

Goji Berry Extract Powder(Gou Qi Zi) 10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC, Polysacchrides 30%, 50% UV

Goji berry extract has a nourishing and sweet texture, which is gentle yet slightly warm. They are beneficial for the liver, kidney, and lung meridians. Skilled in nourishing the liver and kidneys and improving eyesight, treating liver and kidney yin deficiency and visual impairment; Can nourish lung yin and relieve cough, treat cough caused by yin deficiency。

Eucommia Extract Powder (Du Zhong) 10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC, Chlorogenic acid 25%, 50% HPLC

Eucommia ulmoides extract has the effects of tonifying the liver and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, and relieving miscarriage. Treating lumbar and spinal pain, weak and flaccid feet and knees, dribbly urine, itching and dampness under the vagina, fetal leakage and desire for abortion, fetal restlessness, and high blood pressure.

Honeysuckle Extract Powder (Jin Yin Hua, Flos Lonicerae) 10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC, Chlorogenic acid 25%, 50% HPLC

Honeysuckle is sweet, cold, and has a clear and lax effect. It can be gently lifted and diffused, and can enter the lungs, stomach, and large intestine meridians. Skilled in clearing and detoxifying heat, as well as dispersing wind and heat. The medicinal effect is quite strong and does not cause bitterness. It is a good medicine for dissolving heat toxins, and the taste is not bitter and easy to take. Mainly focused on clearing, with both clear and transparent effects. It can be used for any heat toxicity or wind heat.

Fritillaria Extract Powder (Chuan Bei Mu) 10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC

Fritillaria Extract Powder (Chuan Bei Mu) is bitter and sweet, with a slight cold and heat clearing effect. It enters the lungs and heart meridians and is a product for clearing and moistening the lungs. Good at clearing the lungs and resolving phlegm, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, it is an essential medicine for cough caused by lung heat, dryness, and deficiency; Can open depression and disperse nodules, treat phlegm heat or fire depression, chest tightness, sores, swelling, and scrofula.

Bitter Apricot Seed extract Powder, Bitter Almond Extract(Ku Xing Ren) 10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC

Harvest mature fruits in summer, remove the flesh and shell, remove the seeds, and sun dry them. Bitter Apricot Seed extract has the properties of reducing qi, relieving cough, relieving asthma, moistening intestines, and promoting bowel movements. Used for coughing, wheezing, chest fullness, phlegm accumulation, intestinal dryness and constipation.

Gypsum Powder/Shi Gao Powder

Gypsum powder is used for external heat diseases, high fever and thirst, lung heat and asthma, excessive stomach fire, headache, and toothache.

Scutellaria Barbata Extract Powder(Ban Zhi Lian)10:1, 20:1, 50:1 TLC

Scutellaria barbata whole herb is used as medicine, with functions such as clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, reducing swelling and pain, and anti-cancer. Cold in nature and sour in taste, the whole plant contains various vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, and other components. It has the effects of cooling blood and detoxifying, dispelling blood stasis and pain, reducing swelling, and clearing heat and diuresis.