shell broken pine pollen powderThe benefits of pine pollen powder extend far and wide. In fact, it is one of the most nutritious foods that human beings can eat. It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine in ancient times. It has been used to treat several common diseases for a long time, including hormone imbalance and inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis.

Pine pollen is a yellow granular powder produced by a variety of pine trees, including but not limited to Pinus massoniana, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus tabuliformis. Although pine pollen is native to Yunnan Province, China, it also comes from pine trees in Europe and the United States and the Altay Mountains in Siberia. Our wild picked shell broken pine pollen is rich in more than 250 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, coenzymes and antioxidants. And we found 9 most outstanding benefits of pine pollen powder and would like to share with you.

Shell broken pine pollen powder contains a variety of powerful nutrients, including protein, fatty acids, carbohydrates, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, potassium, folic acid, B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D3, etc. In essence, pine pollen, as a super food, provides a quick and simple way to quickly and comprehensively supplement various nutrients to your body and keep yo ur body and mind healthy. Let’s see what benefits it can bring to our bodies.

Benefits of pine pollen for men

Whether shell broken pine pollen will increase testosterone level is one of the most frequently asked questions by customers, and the answer is yes. Testosterone is the most important male hormone (androgen), which  is mainly secreted by the testes. Testosterone (also known as testosterone, testosterone or testosterone) is a kind of sterol hormone, which is secreted by male testes or female ovaries, and a small amount of testosterone is also secreted by adrenal glands. It is the main male sex hormone and assimilation hormone. Whether male or female, it has an important impact on health and, including enhancing sexual desire, strength, immune function, anti osteoporosis and so on.

Low testosterone will not only affect your libido and sexual ability. It can also cause other symptoms. If your testosterone is low, you may also have these symptoms, such as weight gain, less energy than before, increasing body fat and reducing muscle mass, feeling depressed, inattention, etc. By ingesting broken wall pine pollen and building healthy testosterone levels in the body, you may reduce the chance of these health problems in the future.

Pine pollen contains a variety of plant androgens, including androgens, androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), as well as adaptive compounds, gibberellin and brassinosteroid. All these combined effects can raise testosterone levels and maintain the correct balance between estrogen and testosterone.

Shell broken pine pollen powder provides a natural way to balance hormones in your body, thereby reducing your risk of a variety of hormone related health conditions. Studies have shown that a small amount of testosterone has been found in the pollen of Scotch pine. About 0.8 mg of testosterone is contained in every 10 grams of broken wall pine pollen.

Benefits of Shell Broken Pine Pollen Powder for Women

It’s not just men who can enjoy the benefits of pine pollen. We also recommend that women take pine pollen, especially when their estrogen levels are high and their testosterone hormones are low.

Like other steroid hormones, testosterone is derived from cholesterol. Female ovaries, placenta and adrenal reticular zone also secrete a small amount of testosterone. The effect of testosterone on adults is more obvious in men than in women, but it is equally important for both. As you get older, the amount of testosterone decreases, and so do these effects. These effects include maintaining muscle strength and quality, maintaining bone density and strength, maintain sexual desire, refresh and improve physical fitness.

Low testosterone levels in women will significantly reduce sexual desire, which will be significantly lower than that of normal people. Generally speaking, as women age, their sexual desire will decrease. However, for young women, low testosterone will make them show sexual desire that is very inconsistent with their age. In addition, the body will also have corresponding symptoms, such as vaginal dryness and pain of sexual intercourse. Therefore, women with low testosterone often suffer from orgasmic disorder, and even cannot have fun in sex life at all.

Low testosterone levels in women can cause irregular menstruation. Generally speaking, it will disturb women’s menstrual cycle, aggravate dysmenorrhea symptoms and women’s mood fluctuations, and may even lead to menopause.

Women with low testosterone levels are prone to fatigue, but the fatigue caused by low testosterone in women does not mean that they can disappear after getting enough sleep. Even if they get enough sleep, women will still feel listless and lack of energy. In this case, women need to pay special attention to whether they have low testosterone.

Another obvious symptom of low testosterone in women is severe hair loss. Although testosterone is a sex hormone, it also controls the growth of human hair. If a woman who has begun to suffer from baldness at a young age, she might as well check whether her testosterone level is normal.

Shell broken pine pollen powder can restore the balance of hormones in women, help correct the lack of testosterone, and maintain healthy estrogen levels. This can improve sexuality and sexuality, increase strength and better mental health.

Benefits of Shell Broken Pine Pollen Powder on Skin

In China, pine pollen is considered as a drug and beauty supplement. It is usually used to improve skin, strengthen nails and promote healthy hair growth. Antioxidant rich pine pollen is beneficial to the skin by slowing down signs of aging. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties make it effective in the treatment of a variety of skin diseases, including acne, eczema, pustulosis and diaper rash.

Pine pollen supplies a large amount of vitamins, minerals zinc and magnesium, which have a good effect on acne and other skin diseases. Vitamin A can nourish pores, vitamin B6 can improve skin quality, vitamin B2 can promote the metabolism of saturated fatty acids, make the skin no longer greasy, reduce the occurrence of acne, and have a good effect on reducing and removing acne.

Black spots, freckles, pigmentation and skin inflammation are all caused by unhealthy skin cells and blocked metabolism and detoxification functions. Broken wall pine pollen can be directly applied on the face to promote skin metabolism, eliminate spots and restore skin health. Because the diameter of human skin pores is 6-7 microns, while the diameter of broken wall pine pollen is only 5 microns. External application can make micro nutritional factors directly penetrate into the skin and enter the blood, repair the damage of outer skin tissue, prevent the damage of foreign substances to the skin and solar radiation, and remove acne, wrinkles, and dark spots. Applying broken wall pine pollen on the face can significantly reduce the area of acne from obvious reduction to shallow fine lines and tender skin, and finally can be significantly reduced; If combined with oral administration, the effect is better.

Pine pollen can cure eczema. Pine pollen itself is known as the nutrient Bank of the human body. It contains a variety of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, brass, nuclear enzymes, fatty acids, good food fiber, insufficient food, and active substances that mainly help the human body absorb. Skin problems are mainly the problem of the immune system. The immune function can be improved on shell broken pine pollen powder, so it will be effective.

Natural beauty agent. In the data at home and abroad, pollen has been a beauty product since ancient times. Many people have bad skin, which is mainly caused by unbalanced nutrition, anemia, constipation, insufficient sleep and hormone secretion disorders. B vitamins in pine pollen can improve digestive function, overcome constipation, and make skin shiny and elastic. Lack of vitamin B2 will produce chloasma, so B2 is also called beauty vitamin. Organic iron in pine pollen can regulate menstruation and nourish blood, making blood gas sufficient and full of vitality. The combination of vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin B in pine pollen can activate cells, eliminate skin melanin, and make skin white and beautiful. Therefore, to beauty, comprehensive and balanced nutrition is the basis of beauty. Using pine pollen to refine beauty cosmetics series can achieve the combination of exterior and interior, and play the role of beauty.

Antioxidant Effect of Shell Broken Pine Pollen Powder

Free radicals are harmful to the body. They damage our cells and may play a role in the development of cancer and other diseases that affect important organs such as the heart, liver and brain.

Shell Broken Pine Pollen Powder contains several effective antioxidants, including flavonoids, polyphenols, glutathione, resveratrol and superoxide dismutase. These help maintain healthy pH levels and support the liver in detoxifying harmful toxins and pollutants.

Anti Inflammatory Effect of Shell Broken Pine Pollen Powder

Pine pollen extract has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and can help treat chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. The anti-inflammatory effects and safety of pine pollen extract was studied in this paper. By the mouse ear swelling model and acetic acid stretching experiment, the inhibition rate of swelling and the writhing times of the latency were investigated. The effect of anti-inflammatory and analgesic of pine pollen extract were summarized. The safety effects of taking pine pollen extract was studied by acute toxicity test. The results indicated that pine pollen extract in each dose group of swelling inhibition rates were 41.16 %,26.26 % and 33.65%from low dose group to high dosage group, and leukocytes and lymphocytes in each dose group showed no obvious change. In the middle and high dose group, the writhing frequency (p<0.01) were reduced by 63.8%and 66.3%, time of writhing (p<0.01) significantly increased 85.1%and 91%also. Obvious toxic reaction and death were not found in acute toxicity test. According to acute toxicity grading , pine pollen extract is a non-toxic substances actually for anti-inflammatory benefits.

And it doesn’t mean that  that you need to have chronic diseases to benefit from taking pine pollen. It can also quickly relieve muscle pain. If you like sports, you will find that pine pollen tincture is very effective in reducing post work inflammation and helping recovery.

Shell broken pine pollen powder can promote the rapid growth, regeneration and healing of human beings, which is completely meaningful when you return to its roots. It is pollen from trees and a form of seeds. Like all seeds, it contains nutrients necessary for growth, rejuvenation and healing. Without these nutrients, pine trees would not grow so tall and would not survive for hundreds of years.

Slimming effect of Shell Broken Pine Pollen Powder

Shell broken pine pollen powder is recommended for people who want to maintain a healthy weight. The increase of DHEA level accelerates metabolism and encourages the body to use the consumed calories faster and more effectively.

Pine pollen is nutritionally balanced, rich in fiber and low in calories. The cellulose content in pine pollen is as high as 29%. On the one hand, it can produce a sense of satiety, reduce food intake and avoid excess nutrition; On the one hand, it can inhibit and delay the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides in lymph during fat metabolism;

At the same time, it can promote intestinal function and accelerate fecal excretion. Research and experiments conducted by the PLA General Hospital in cooperation with Germany have confirmed that pine pollen increases the excretion of cholesterol in feces by 0.8 times, and lecithin in pine pollen also accelerates the combustion of body fat. Its diuretic properties also help to lose weight. Therefore, pine pollen is also the best pure natural green weight loss product.

Natural Supplements After Exercise

Shell broken pine pollen powder is a complete protein and effective post exercise supplement. It contains all vitamins except vitamin B12, 18 enzymes, 18 proteins, 21 amino acids (including 8 amino acids necessary for human body), 28 other effective ingredients, including RNA, DNA and nucleosides, including isoleucine. It is known to improve exercise strength and endurance, and help muscle synthesis and repair.

In addition to improving sports ability, pine pollen also contains natural antibiotics, which can regulate the disorder of digestive system function, and overcome various disorders in the repeated process of human body in nature. Taking pollen can also transform people’s mental state, restore balance and coordination of the body, enhance activities, make people energetic, energetic and happy, so that athletes can maintain a good competitive state. At the same time, pine pollen can promote the storage and utilization of liver glycogen and increase blood glucose. It can protect liver, spleen and other internal organs from damage caused by violent exercise.