Pine Pollen

Pine Pollen is high in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, all of which are very nutritious and benefit our health in a number of different ways. Pine Pollen contains vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, and phosphorus, all of which are very beneficial to our health. This product is derived from pollen collected by bees on their bodies. The Pine Pollen may also contain saliva from the bees. A person needs to be careful not to confuse Pine Pollen with natural honey, beehives, bee venom, or royal jelly that comes from bees. It is important to note that these products do not contain any pollen from bees.

Pine pollen has been found to be a rich source of macronutrients and bioactive compounds, which has been shown to have a number of health benefits, such as antioxidants, immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory, glucose and lipid metabolism modulators, antibacterial and antiviral, antitumor and anticancer, liver protection, regulation of gastrointestinal tracts, etc.

Pine Pollen is safe to consume for a short period of time, at least for short-term use. You might get more than you bargained for, however, if you happen to be allergic to pollen. Shortness of breath, hives, swelling and irritation are some of the symptoms that can be caused by Pine Pollen allergies. Pollen from bees should not be consumed by pregnant women or nursing women.

Throughout April, we collect raw pine pollen from two sites each year, one in the Qiandao Lake area of Zhejiang Province and the other in Yunnan Province in southwestern China. There are a large number of Pinus massoniana trees growing in both sites. The Pinus massoniana is widely distributed, from Henan and South Shandong province in the north, to Guangdong province, Hunan province and Taiwan in the south, from coastal areas in the East, to central Sichuan and Guizhou province in the west, all over central and South China.

Generally, it is distributed below 600-700m in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, about 1200m in the middle reaches and about 1500m in the upper reaches. It is the main timber tree species in the south of China and has high economic value. And most of the pine pollen in the market comes from Pinus massoniana and a small part from Pinus tabulaeformis.

We process the raw pine pollen into cell cracked pine pollen powder, pine pollen extract and  tablet in our own workshop. We use pneumatic crusher to break the cell wall for a better absorption. And we carefully remove the impurities to ensure its purity, high quality, suitable for human consumption. Microwave sterilization method could reduce the nutrition loss so as to remain its biological activity at maximum.

Pine pollen powder is rich in protein, amino acid, microelements and other nutrients that are helpful for the normal growth of human body. Pine pollen is not bee-source pollen, so it does not contain any animal hormones. Instead, phytosterols in it could help to balance testosterone levels as men age. Due to people’s metabolism is different, we suggest that our customers consult their family doctor before taking any pine pollen product to ensure safety.

Before you buy our products, you could choose to get free samples from us and try them first. Once you are satisfied with the quality, you can order in a larger quantity. We could both retail and wholesale with MOQ of 1 kilogram at the most reasonable price.

Pine Pollen Extract Powder, Pine Pollen 10:1 Ratio Extract TLC, Less than 5% Filler

After hot water extraction, the nutrients wrapped in the hard cell wall are completely released and concentrated by several times than raw pine pollen powder. Thus, the water-soluble pine pollen extract can be better absorbed and utilized by the human body. It's water solubility also allows pine pollen extract to be applied into more foods and health care supplements.

Pine Pollen Powder, Wildcrafted Mason Pine Pollen Powder(Cell Wall Cracked Ratio>98%, Protein>10%)

Pine pollen powder has been used extensively in Asia traditionally because of its outstanding adaptogenic property and also is the most potent plant source of testosterone ever know in modern research.

Pine Pollen Tablet, 0.5g/Tablet, Pine Pollen Supplement

Pine pollen tablet contains bioavailable sorts of androstenedione, testosterone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), androsterone and a multitude of other phyto-steroidal compounds which, unlike synthetic steroids, are 100% natural.

Pine Pollen and Lion’s Mane Extract Tablet

【Specification】: 0.5g/tablet
【Material Used】: Cell cracked pine pollen powder(70%)+Lion's mane extract 30% polysaccharide UV(30%)
【Dosage】: 3-4 tablets a time, twice a day based on different intention.